Caryn Robbins and Amy Papas have worked with NYNW panelists to prepare Admissions for a hopeful Off Broadway run! Very exciting! |  'Acoustic Space'
ACOUSTIC SPACE was accepted into the NYNW Festival, performed for our panel, garnered funding to make a movie, won the “Award of Merit” in the best shorts competition and is headed to the Cannes! |  '2014 NYNW Winners'
Stephanie Iscovitz’s and Kerri Kenny Clegg’s Festival winning work, “Sleeping With Earrings On”, garnered funding to propel the Festival performance from the winner’s podium onto the silver screen! One panelist created a website for them without charge, one featured them on a video broadcast, one incorporated her into their producers group, another offered to executive produce their film without charge and brought several investors to their screening |